Some of my earliest memories include those of afternoons spent at my grandmother’s home peering inside her “China Cabinet”. Her art deco style cabinet with glass doors was the place she kept her most treasured items such as special crystal glasses and bowls and beautiful ceramic figurines and trinket boxes. I was fascinated by the intricate craftsmanship of all her cherished possessions and I loved the way she cared for them, carefully removing them regularly from the cabinet to wipe away any dust and returning them in different arrangements. To this day my Nan’s house is the cleanest and most considered home I have ever been inside.
Not only was I lucky enough to have inherited a few little pieces from that China cabinet collection, I have also inherited my Nan’s deep fascination with beautiful things, in particular her love for intricately hand painted ceramics.
I love to fossick in antique and old wares stores wherever I am, be it a NSW country town, Portobello Road in London, or markets in Provence. Some of my prettiest finds have been found in flea markets in Wisconsin in the USA which serve as reminders of happy times with like-minded friends who also share my obsession. It stands to reason I guess that producing our very own Zjoosh Heirloom collection of exquisite ceramics has been a particular career highlight.
We discovered the factory capable of producing our collection around 5 years ago, and we have been obsessing over colour palettes and design details for what seems like forever. The actual production process once we approved the designs took an entire year. The wait has been painstaking, but ever so worth it!
Our pieces look so beautiful both in very traditional spaces, and equally they make a magnificent statement when juxtaposed in a more modern setting. The range includes smaller pieces which are suitable gifting items to celebrate very special occasions such as Christenings, or 21st or 50th birthdays. They are items to be treasured for a lifetime and which will hopefully bring joy for generations to come. X Kell