Celebrating Women for Women

Celebrating women for women with @amandaramsaymakeup and @zjoosh!

There has been much criticism of International Women’s Day being a commercialised token day for big corporates to give “a nod” to vague notions of equality rather than real reform. While I very much agree that there are many who have absolutely no business claiming to be truly in support of women, for us this day means a lot. It is a day when we pause to reflect and genuinely celebrate the incredible women in our lives, especially those we serve every day, as well as the women behind our brand.

To mark this special occasion we are joining forces with Amanda Ramsay- a professional makeup artist and an award winning over 40s makeup expert and educator.  Amanda and I are avid fans of each other’s products. I use all the makeup and skincare Amanda recommends and her online masterclass lessons, The Shine Sessions, have changed my makeup game.  We first connected when I happened to spy her on Instagram wearing a Zjoosh dress and I thought to myself “not only does this girl know her makeup, but she also has great taste in fashion!”.

As two women who own businesses entirely run by women, we have decided to celebrate International Women’s Day by offering a special package for you and a woman in your world you admire and respect. It’s time for you girls to shine and Zjoosh yourselves with a new bag and a gorgeous White Kell Shirt plus an Amanda Ramsay Makeup Masterclass collectively valued over $1200 check out our socials for what's included @Zjoosh.  
